Subject :
- Responsible Consumption and Production in Nuclear and NORM-Related Industries
- Nuclear Techniques in Environmental Protection and Sustainability
- The Future of Nuclear Energy: Transition, Waste Management, and Emerging Systems
- Educational Challenges, Risk Perception, and Public Engagement in Nuclear Sciences
Venue :
- Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV)
Accomodation :
- A list of hotel will be provide soon
Key dates :
- Abstract submissions : 31 March
- Early registration deadline : 31 March
- Full paper deadline : 21 May
Link for abstract submission :
Link for Registration :
Registration Fee :
- Full registration : 350 €
- Reduced for students
Organizing Committee :
- Sebastián Martorell
- Sofía Carlos
- José Felipe Villanueva
- Marina Sáez
- Isabelle Gerardy
- Caroline Licour
- Sandra Soares
- Sonja Schreurs
- Ligia Lopes
- Wim Eerdekens
- Domiziano Mostacci
Scientific Committee :
- Isabelle Gerardy
- Sandra Soares
- Sonja Schreurs
- Sofi Carlos
- Sebastian Martorell
- Jose Felipe Villanueva
- Marina Sáez
- Domiziano Mostacci
- Lenka Thinova
- Ulrich Scherer
- Christoph Langer
- Romolo Laurita
- Flavia Groppi
- Alexandra Ioannicou
- Maria Dinis
- Pavel Novotný